12 Top Tips for Effective E-detailing

The Definition of E-Detailing

E-detailing means the use of digital detail aids and digital presentation materials for informative sales calls with Medical/Healthcare Professionals. Usually in one-on-one meetings, usually a tablet or laptop. With the current COVID-19 crisis, companies and sales professionals could see significant benefits in maintaining customer contact and sales interactions by moving to Remote e-detailing. Remote e-detailing means remote presenting with the use of digital sales collateral with participants taking part from different locations with their own computer or tablet. 

E-detailing Technology Growth 

E-detailing is not new and has seen significant growth within the Pharmaceutical Industry. Now that the novelty of using digital presentations has passed, our focus should move from the technology to the content. We should always be thinking and considering what message and what type of interaction do we want to take to our Healthcare Professionals (HCP’s). We need to work on how we engage more effectively and share better and more relevant stories in order to maintain a valuable dialogue with prescribers and other HCP’s. 


Whilst there are many potential benefits with remote e-detailing, it may be still relatively new for both prescribers and for sales team members. Marketeers and Sales Team members should always be considering the following. When and where is it appropriate to use? How will it help to build a relationship? What role can it play in the overall sales & marketing strategy? In what situations does it work, and when does it not work? How can we utilise to maximum effect and make more impactful for our audience?

Top Tips to Maximise your Impact

Tip1: Technology and Accessibility

The biggest turn off for your customer will be inadequate and/or fear of technology. 

·       How easy is it for your HCP to access and use the technology and hold an interaction?

·       Do you have a clear audio/video connection?

·       Choose a tool your customer doesn’t have to download or install in advance as this may well be the difference between engagement or non.

·       Does the software support the sales conversation flawlessly?

·       Can you share information, data, resources, insights via the technology (i.e. Clinical evidence, Studies? Visuals)

Tip 2: Keep it Fresh

You will lose the audience and reduce the impact of the interaction if you simply repeat or duplicate a message or information already shared via previous interactions and other channels. Your customers time is pressured, don’t waste it telling them what they already know!

·       Identify new information the HCP needs to hear

·       What insights do you have that will help the HCP achieve their objectives?

·       Put the HCP (not you) at the centre. What will have the maximum impact for them at this time?

·       Identify where you can add value

 Tip 3: A New Interaction for a Targeted Audience

Use remote e-detailing for regular quick updates with your Key and most Important Customers. Customers whom you have never met with are less likely to interact in this manner or accept an invite from someone they don’t know. Consider your existing relationships, existing users, KOL’s and Key Accounts. Identify and focus on them for your interactions. Schedule events for updates and for additional interactions between your face to face visits, formal events and as a follow up to your regular visits. Some key rules…

·       Keep them brief

·       Discuss interim results or updates

·       Share new insights

·       Build a clear picture

·       Outline specific patient types/cases/HCP challenges that your HCP’s are faced with

Tip 4: Reaching New Audiences & New Departments?

Whilst HCP’s whom you have never met or have no relationship with are less likely to engage or accept a meeting request, remote e-detailing does put them within reach. Use the benefits to your advantage

·       Offer product explanations to Pharmacists, Nurses, Non-clinical Customers whom you may not traditionally have had the time to see or engage with 

·       Speak to Department Heads to arrange group training, demos, webinars etc using e-technology

·       Request referrals from your existing users “Who else would benefit from having a clinical update within your Practice/Department/Hospital?”

·       Set up Group Calls and ask your customer to invite their colleagues

Tip 5: Ask the Expert

Certain regulations may mean you are limited or restricted in what you can/cannot say, what you can share and who you can share with during your interaction. Consider who you can utilise and who can add value to your interactions

·       Involve a KOL

·       Host an Ad-Board Discussion

·       Invite your MSL or Market Access Team to dial in

·       Reference and share Clinical Evidence/Published Papers/Studies/New Data 

Tip 6: The Importance of Planning

Your sales conversations will be considerably more efficient if you have a plan so make sure you prepare and plan appropriately. Remote e-detailing will improve access to medical departments & new audiences at this current time and will also increase contact frequency via remote updates. But be aware, that there will be an adoption and learning curve to get this working. Allow time to make remote e-detailing work, and do not rely on getting quick results. Your window to engage is small so have a clear meeting/conversation structure. This will help you and also increase the benefit to the HCP.

·       Outline your opening: How will you get engagement quickly?

·       What are your relevant or high impact points?

·       What questions will get the HCP talking and reduce the pressure on you?

·       What’s your call to action? 

·       What information will you send in advance to provide direction? 

·       Consider evidence, case studies, testimonials, relevant market dynamics that are relevant and of interest to you customer

·       Make sure you have all your information, evidence, marketing resources & content to hand and you can easily access/share


Tip 7: The Importance of a Clear Story and A Key Message

Research states that your audience will decide within 30 Seconds if they are interested in what you have to say so get to the point. 

·       Decide on why your customer should listen: Define the” What’s in it for Them!”

·   Be capable of summarizing the essence of your conversation in two sentences

· Tell your customer “What’s in it for them” early in your interaction· 

·       Plan your Story, make it resonate with the HCP, tell them why they should listen by painting pictures, using relevant examples, sharing challenges

·       Keep it Simple: SLIM it to Win It - Say, Less, Impact More

·       Decide on your most important messages and stick to them

·       Keep it to the point and use the rule of three:  3 Key Messages

·       Format your story and evidence around your 3 key messages

Tip 8: The Importance of Tonality and Clarity of Voice

You should pay extra attention to how you present yourself during a remote meeting. You may or may not have a video link. If you do use positive body language to reinforce key points to help your customer understand your messages better. If not, all communication is via your voice. Without seeing the other person and their nonverbal communication, you might be inclined to talk too fast. The solution? Take it easy, Speak slowly, Focus on the other party and Create time for their responses.  When you do this, you will come across as authoritative, confident and will have a more effective interaction.

Tip 9: Create Strong Visuals

The human brain works visually. Images are easier to understand and are more recognisable than the written text. Therefore, use of great visuals will help communicate your main ideas. 

·      Metaphors can be highly impactful to describe your product, where it fits and for what patient types

·      Use data and graphics to support the metaphors. 

·      Use info- graphics throughout the presentation. 

·      Keep the time you spend per slide short to keep your customer engaged

·      Use visually diverse slides to support the different aspects of your presentation. 

·      Reduce text per slide if possible

·      Use one key message to summarise each slide

·      Tell your HCP where to look and what to reference

·      If not using sides use visual language to create mental pictures

Tip 10: Structure as a Story

The Human Brain is designed to listen and remember stories. A good presenter will take the audience on a journey that inspires and motivates them. Can you deliberately build some positive tension and then give a solution before moving to the next point?  One simple way is to ask questions and then answer them. 

This builds tension because people always want to find out the answers to questions. You just need to ask your HCP a simple question. “This is the problem, and how do we fix it?” Then, give the solution to the problem. 

Tip 11: Practice Makes Perfect

Practice makes perfect, especially in remote e-detailing. Spend time training and practicing with colleagues, team members and friends. Schedule some coached practice with your line manager. Many platforms enable you to record your interactions & nothing gives you better insight than holding up the mirror of self-analysis. Take time to view, review and assess your own performance, ask for colleague feedback. All will help you evaluate & fix any problems/challenges quickly/immediately.  

Tip 12: Use it or Lose it…

The quicker you embrace new ways of working & the more often you utilise, the more confident & effective you will become.  Self development is all about creating new habits and habits are created by repetition so, keep practicing and keep going. You will have setbacks, just as you do in your face: face sales calls. This is how we identify what works for us and what doesn’t. Ultimately is how we learn and develop new and additional skills! So stay positive and keep going.


Will Mckelvie