Negotiation Skills Training

The ability of your team to negotiate effectively with NHS Payers, Procurement and Buyers can often be the difference between winning a valuable contract and building effective partnerships - or losing out to your competitor and/or creating a willing adversary for the future.

Quantum has a number of Negotiation Skills training programmes to suit the negotiation skills development and abilities of your team and your sales professionals.

The Fundamentals of Negotiation

Attendees will build skills to be a more effective and confident Negotiator at group & 1:1 levels.

• What Negotiation is and is not
• When Negotiation starts and the sale stop
• Understanding your Negotiation style: strengths and shortfalls
• The Fundamentals of Negotiation
- Navigating the Negotiation Compass
- The 5 Ps of a Successful Negotiation
- Use of BATNAs & setting Trading Limits
• The Habits of Skilled Negotiators
• Planning effective Negotiation: How to create a negotiation workflow
• Practice role specific Negotiation Scenario at 1:1 and group level

The Skilled Negotiator

Attendees will develop and enhance skills to deal with difficult or complex Negotiations at group and 1:1 levels.

• Dealing with hostile Negotiators
• Powerfully articulate your companies Value Proposition and protect price erosion
• Optimizing Tradeable’s Variables and Concessions
• Use of tactics to gain power in cost focused discussions
• Shifting the Power balance during Negotiations
• Plan and Plotting moves in a complex Negotiation
• Avoiding and successfully managing deadlock
• Moving to partnership working
• Practice Negotiating with Hostile Adversaries
• Plan out a complex role specific Negotiation Scenario
• Build an action plan for a current or future Negotiation

1-2-1 Coaching

We can bring a more flexible approach to developing and building negotiation skills to achieve your organisational goals. We will guide and support you by sharing our expertise with relevant practical advice from our many years’ experience. Coaching can be delivered on a one to one basis or with your team to develop the strategy and tactics to secure optimal outcomes.

Contact us for more details.